Message: A Tyhee Christmas Story

A Tyhee Christmas Story

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the North
Not a drill bit was turning. Not even Tyhee Corps.

The drill cores were hung by the lab door with care,
In the hopes that the assay guys from Acme Labs soon would be there

The shareholders were all snug in their beds,
Secure in the thoughts of high GPT dancing in their heads

And meanwhile Baires with his Malbec, the rest of us with our nightcaps
had just settled down from a trading sessions or two to grab a quick nap

When out Of the news media there arose a great clatter
that we all raced to the forum to see what did matter

Away to the newswires some flew like a flash
and posted news of the beginnings of the dollars crash

The gold in the veins from the reports we did know
Gave us hope that we would be able to survive the blow

When what to my wondering eyes did appear
But the First designs of a millhead soon to tame the fear

With a wonderful development team so smart and so quick
I knew in a moment that this was no trick.

More rapid then expected the foundation did come
And we whistled and shouted thinking we'd hit a home run

No Dasher, No Dancer No Prancer no Vixen
No Comet Nor Cupid nor Donner or Blitzen

To the Top of the vein to the bottom of the claim
Now drill away, Drill away, Drill for your fame.

So up to the millhead the tonnage will go
From the pit and from the mine all covered with snow

And then in a twinkling. I heard on the news
The shouts and exclamation of our great mining crews

As I listened to the story
It seemed we may find much mor(e)
( Ohhhh...Sorry ! I really had to strain for that one ! <Grin> )

The good Doctor was dressed all in fur from his head to his foot
as he spoke of bringing in more supplies to keep the drilling good !
(Iccchhh.... two stretches in a row ! )

A sheaf of new drilling reports he had pulled from the rack
It seems we are finding so much Gold it's hard to keep track

His eyes how they twinkled. His news releases make us merry!
It seems like its almost time to celebrate with a fine glass of sherry !

He sprang to his work and to his great team he gave a great applause
Everyone's hard work had paid off and gave us all pause

And laying his final PA reports on the side
We are all so greatful our time we did bide.

And I hope to hear him exclaim, before we all retire.
We have built an awesome mine with a great team and Tyhee will never expire !

Meanwhile the market is falling, but we all know Tyhee is bound for Glory !
Until then, this Is My Christmas Gift to you ALL,... This good will story !

Gold Barren Charlie Dec2008

Best Wishes to all for a Merry Christmas, a Better New Year and to all a Good Night ! And to everyone at Tyhee for all that you have already done....... Thank You ! ! :)


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