Message: Unappreciative Forum

You have to also remember that JP is a money manager for his clients and it's really hard to ask them to sit for a long period (years) without seeing any results, even if over the long term (say 10 years) a junior may have the biggest gains of all.

After the 2008 crash, JP's attitude on his show seemed to change; he talked about sleepless nights, dealing with unhappy clients who got hammered in the crash, etc... My assessment is that he was seriously rattled. He also mentioned that the tech analysis work his son was doing had shown indications that the crash was coming, but he ignored it, or at least didn't do enough to prepare his clent's portfolios. After this, the whole tone of his show changed, and it became less about buying fundamentals and sitting, and more about watching technicals and being 'nimble'. My impression is that he decided 2 things 1) that that he would act upon the technical stuff his son was coming up with, 2) that he had to reduce the timespan over which his client's investments started showing results, even if this meant playing things safer - it's easier to keep a client satisfied with 10% gains a year, rather than small losses for 7 years followed by a 10 bagger blow off.

Anyway, with 'the year of the junior' not panning out as he thought, I understand why JP seems to have moved away from steering clients into juniors. I don't think it was as much Tyhee specific, as it was a decision to move away from the junior sector as a whole.

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