Message: A Point of View

I haven't posted in awhile but have read most of the stuff on this site. This is a great site with many great posters providing at least my self with much needed information. I visited "another site" that I haven't been to in a long time. No wonder I don't go there anymore as nothing has changed. The motivation of the detractors is beyond my understanding but the only thing I can extract from their postings is that they aim to destroy the company which of course there must be some profit or gain from what they do. (maybe they are just plain paid hourly)...who knows and I don't really care.

The MO is always the same and from my point of view they are always easy to spot and IMHO they show up here now and again. If other speculators listen to them, that is "green". This stock is a speculation of course and nothings for sure. I've hit 2 stock home runs before (didn't always sell when I shouda..LOL) , nontheless they were still home runs. All the way with these 2 stocks, the detractors and slammers were providing misinformation and lies really...if I would have listened to these posters, all would have been lost. Of course, I have also bought many stocks that did not turn out good but it's using my own mind to distinguish between fact and lies. (not posters consistently slamming)

So with Tyhee, and this forum, I much appreciate the posters I know to be honorable (as I said the other ones are very easy to spot), IMHO Tyhee has all the earmarkings of a home run, I'm not counting on it but the facts and my intuition point me that way and I'm still buying. If people want to leave this (by far the best site) and not have an ear open to some really great people, that is part of the learning process (IMVHO).

Although there are many to thank, Baires is a constant that continues on with moderation and reason, to make this site great and worth coming back to.

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