As for me, I believe that DW started Tyhee with a sound geological vision (his Geological DNA), and that the ultiate success of this constellation of properties will pen the historical footnote on his contribution. The unplanned coup put Brian Brigss into a difficult position, but the gold in them there hills is undeniable. DW backing off on the NSR may be a key log removed in the logjam, and investment from the likes of his nemisis, JP, could be in the offing. Or I am 180 degrees of. But I put it to you all that DW has paid far more into this effort than we small investors, and it has taken a toll. Loyal to DW? you bet I am. But the only reason I stick to this investment, and buy more when I can, is because I believe in his vision.
I also think DW is buying shares at these absurd levels. He knows that his was right about the way gold forms in the Yellownife gold camp. That's all I have to say about that!
Gene Skellig