Message: Financing will be the official end of the Missionary work
Baires, the financing will come sooner than 70 days if we are to meet weather deadlines. Once that window is closed, there is no immediacy. Financing will separate Tyhee from the explorer. We now have a more professional presentation that states we have a goal and this is our strategy................. The slow unravelling of the current monetary system is reaching a critical point as gold is now becoming a global means of settling accounts. The challenge to the USD will take time but is working in our favour. I have been measuring how many ounces of gold or silver it now takes to buy large items in my life. Last year was not stellar but bodes well for a catch up this year. The emerging gold miners should do better than the bloated majors who will struggle to replace resources.................US based persons should be very concerned for the erosion of the std of living that will occur when the USD is relegated to the status of the British pound in years past. The country is so divided. Will it be the perceived gun control issue that sparks massive civil unrest? Next step will be a major war to distract the populace and rally around the flag. Needs to be an all out affair involving more than volunteers. Sacrifice and pain is ahead. Have comfort in hard currencies.
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