Message: Acceptance
A series of small PPs (dilutions) are to be accepted as TDC moves on through each stage. Permitting, environmental is key before the financing necessary to advance the project. The POG needs to escape the hold that the paper mkt has on it. Frustrating to say the least. No time frame can realistically be predicted with all of the above factors. I have watched as people have gone through the "five stages of Grief" as it applies in this case. Acceptance of reality has lead to a quiet on the forum.............. This acceptance is also present in the day to day life here in New England. Big change from my stay last year. A general calming of acceptance that their life will go on but with lower expectations. Lower pay, fewer hours, less wealth, fewer toys. Not saying that we have reached the bottom but housing is becoming more affordable due to the continued low rates and more realistic housing prices. People adjust and move on. Family and friends are becoming more important than the almighty dollar. Nice to see.............. My gold and silver survey index is so low here that I don't know how to interpret. Met some well informed Aussies last winter. One needs to have a perspective outside the US. Lots of conversations about the great reset. As we are transitioning away from petrodollars and the USD as the world's trading currency into the next iteration, there has to be confusion and pain in the home country. History tells the story of the Romans, the Spanish and the English as their currencies lost importance. Life continued but the transition was not pleasant.............. Back to gardening and enjoying the great outdoors,
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