Message: re news out

It is a possibility as nothing is impossible anymore in the "paper gold" market. I don't think it will happen though because there are many serious buyers (China, India, etc.) who would jump on that price and demand delivery. When delivery capability runs out it is game over for the short side. They will choose to cash settle and that will expose the market for what it is (a gambling casino where one plays against the house with a stacked deck and marked cards).

Until then, they can make money/currency/dollars by trading on the short side with wild trades that seemingly make no sense forcing the price low, covering their shorts profitably and possibly shaking loose real gold from anyone who they can get into trouble (perhaps those using leverage).

When they do finally stop pushing this metals markets around and allow it to run they will have accomplished their objective of being net long as it runs higher. Currently they are trading both sides of the market which is not as hard to do as it might seem if you know who is trading, what their positions are, and where their stops are. Those who are running this marketplace in the metals wherever they wish are not stupid as some newsletter writers might make them out to be. They are among the best and brightest of the traders and they know the positions in the market.

If they pushed the market to or near the $1000 mark; only an idiot would be on the sell side as current mining costs on an all in basis are probably in the $1200 - $1400 range. That said there are some idiots out there who still think the world is normal and they might be gunning for them.


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