On first glance looks like a good deal for both Tyhee and Sutter shareholders apart from RMB but needs much further study, very complicated transaction. Sutter properties are attractive and the Lincoln mine can be in production quickly with lots of exploration opportunities in large highly prospective land assets. Sutter shareholders should benefit as well as us, with 17% of stock still held on the TSX-V, with Tyhee the majority shareholder at 73%. Haven't checked to see who the other shareholders are. RMB looks like it gets stoned on its shares with a valuation of .02 to be paid by Tyhee on both its current shares and future shares to be issued, but makes out reasonably well on its debt considering the alternative is likely losing it all. It appears the main focus was on making the mine a going concern doing all that takes to accomplish.
One thing, it's likely a done deal:
The Transaction does not require a shareholder approval of either Tyhee or Sutter.