Message: Tyhee investors

I have been in Tyhee since the early 2000s

When you ask if any of us are "Large investors" one needs to note that that is a very relative term.....so one would have to ask.... What is a large investor to you?

One thing to keep in mind is that for being as small a company as it is, from a market cap standpoint, Tyhee sure has some fairly heavy hitters on it's board and as investors. Not just Hans Black. That should be something you consider.

I don't think a man like Dick Evans would be messing around with this if he didn't see some significant potential https://www.linkedin.com/pub/dick-evans/42/663/385 .

Dave Nickerson is a former member of Parliment for the Yellow Knife Territories http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_Nickerson

And any of the rest of the team are not small potatoes either.

Regardless of the challenges facing Mr. Black and the concerns about his issues, this company has a much stronger team than would be normal for a company of this size. I find that, intriguing. Not any guaranty of success, but intriguing. It is important to consider that for people like those on the Tyhee board, TIME is an extremely valuable commodity! Sometimes even more valuable that money itself. But people like this like to WIN BIG. It makes for great cocktail conversations during intermissions at the symphony. These people have decided to spend their valuable time on Tyhee. I think that needs to be considered in ones analysis.

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