Jim Rogeres, like so many others, is looking for one more buying opportunity in gold before the big move up.
Of course, he admits at the 1:13 time mark that "I change my view every 30 seconds" so while he has been waiting for a correction to buy more gold for over a year now, he seems to be hedging that perspective a little more than he has in the past.
I think the one message I seem to be getting from almost ALL of the very bright people is:
(1) They ALL expect Gold to go much higher in the future and
(2) Most of them are looking for at least one more pull back to buy....
With those 2 points in mind, my guess is that if we DO get the correction all these bright people are waiting for, it may look like a Filene's Basement sale....
.....So the watch word may be that those who are waiting for these bargains better not hesitate when that moment arrives!