Message: Question time.....

Yes! It doesn't mean that a shareholder of Tyhee will be rich beyond his wildest dreams but rather that he will not have lost the entirety of the value of his currency and possibly even gained in purchasing power; perhaps by a factor of 2 to 5 times.

The reason why virtually all businesses are in serious situations is not because they have been negligent, but because the entire system has caused its inhabitants to go bankrupt as the currency becomes valueless. One way to think of it is this... we are not being paid for our work because the currency is devaluing even though prices are being raised. Indeed, in the worst situations, the currency is being devalued more and more while we are forced to lower our prices to remain in business.

This is not a monetary accident. The "bankers" behind this mess know financial history. They grew up hearing these things over the dinner table in their homes. They know exactly what is happening and where it is headed. Their game is to make profits along the way and to position themselves for the inevitable reset. Their greed and callousness is virtually unimaginable. All they care about is the balance in their account. Few of them have any understanding of what could be called "human accountability." The entire concept is foreign to their make-up.

The bankers et al, in their personal accounts, have precious metals and possibly some have sought higher rates of returns amongst the miners they feel will survive. They are the insiders. We are the outsiders to what is happening.

A friend of mine often uses the expression that even a blind squirrel finds an acorn now and then. We are the "blind squirrels." It is the banksters game and perhaps we may be lucky and come up with an acorn before this is all over.


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