Message: Re: Has Tyhee considered the implications of the Deutschebank situation?

Hi All,

Jim Sinclair has recently expounded further (Gold Premium) on the proposed lawsuits. He has stated that in the past when plaintiffs filed suit for market manipulation the defense was able to show that the plaintiff(s) were nothing more than speculators themselves and therefore the cases were dismissed. He went on to say that the plaintiffs had it all wrong and were pursuing the case incorrectly.

In the current situation, Jim Sinclair has indicated that there will be class action law suit(s) involving miners, shareholders and bullion owners in other words everyone that was injured by the gold/silver manipulation admitted to by DB.

What is different this time is that he said these new suits will invoke the RICO statutes (USA anti-racketeering laws). These suits will argue that the whole gold and silver mining industry was nearly destroyed. For example, companies such as Tyhee have been unable to attain financing, deposits have been rendered uneconomical, profits have vanished, exploration and development halted, companies have been bought out for pennies on the dollar, etc. Then there is the human cost to consider. Many in the mining industry have lost there jobs, have had their salaries cut (think Tyhee management), lost their homes etc.

Jim Sinclair has further stated that the damages (to the plaintiffs) are so large that the companies involved in the manipulation will go bankrupt. In that event the plaintiffs most likely would not receive any damage award but would be compensated by a much higher gold/silver price. He seems to imply that winning this suit is a slam dunk.

If not for this manipulation Tyhee might have received financing by now and be in production. We would all have reaped the corresponding benefits by now. We were robbed. If these class action lawsuits materialize we should consider urging Tyhee management to jump on board these lawsuits Please keep the faith.

Have a great weekend everybody!


Gold Finch

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