Message: Bob Hoye--Correction Coming To Overbought Mining Shares

Yes! Bob Hoye may be correct.


I did everything I could to highlight the "but."

If he is correct but the "change" comes while you are out; it is highly unlikely you will ever get back in.

First you will be hoping the price will drop; but it won't. And then you won't get back in because the prices will begin sky-rocketing and you won't have the stomach for it. And then you won't be able to get back in period. Gold and silver as metals will be unavailable and the shares will be equally hard to get in on.

I'm not even sure shares in companies will have value when the system collapses if you have them in "street name." Unless you have your shares in certificates or direct register (your name) as opposed to "CEDE", you will (in my opinion) not be allowed to have your "winnings" honored.

I don't know what reason they will give but there will be some reason given by which "THEY" i.e. the system will find a way to take your winnings. Here is one possibility.

After hurricane Sandy, as a few will no doubt remember, it was reported the the vault door where all the stock records were kept was "accidentally" left open during the storm and all the records were soaked. A couple days later (as we are asked to believe) the vault caught on fire and those same records were for the most part burned.

All I can say is if your shares are in street name held by "CEDE", Good luck!


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