Nadeem Walayat and Martin Armstrong are both predicting a win for Trump, and the Daily Express (which is not affected by the North American media bias) reports Trump is ahead of Hillary in the polls 43-41%, though the other two independent candidates create a bit of static in the data..... the reason they believe this is the public move away from trust in the establishment - a la Brexit and the European scene - and in Armstrong's case the move from reliance on government to the private sphere that happened in his estimation during July 2015......government is no longer seen as the answer to all conceivable problems, and this is the best environment for precious metals.....I should add that the fly in the ointment might be the collapse of Deutsche Bank, Merkel has said there will be no government support or bail out which leaves only a bail in or loss of deposits by depositors, if this happens Armstrong says there will be a flight to the dollar.....Ike