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Message: Amusing assertions

Amusing assertions

posted on Jan 22, 2009 08:09AM

on the other board.

Looks as if the bashing team are back at work weaving as much FUD as possible. Given the way paid bashers are compensated ... volume, repsonses to their notes, etc etc ... no surprise they are so prolific.

I am impressed with the quality and magnitude of effort put forth by the team.

They through a number of aliases seem capable of using the truth for a sizable fraction of arguments and make enough slight twists that are too subtle for the average reader to grasp as the thread twists and turns and the convolution and obfuscation mounts. The bashers than attempt to put their adversary on trial when we all know the only proof any of those who favour, or for that matter oppose the company prospects are unprovable albeit educated speculation.

The knowns (my comments in italics)

- We have what appears to very valuable spectrum and other less interesting assets.

- There is a court supervised attempt to sell these assets to maximize shareholder value.

- The highest bid may not be accepted ... makes sense from a tax perspective.

- It is possible no offer will be accepted. An expensive process and dangerous for possible fraudsters if the numbers are high ... not accepting a reasonable offer could be considered against the best interests of minority shareholder and could in itself cause a class action suit against the board.

- our management team has by some accounts a questionable past in dealing with shareholders during the dot com bubble and what was once a very handsome selling price for some of the companies is not today.

- the outcome of this sale attempt has no precise conclusion ... LOOK may or may not be in business after this, the same can be said for UBS.

- volumes are eerily low, although retail investment liquidity is also very low. Larger investors are not going to be interested in picking up a small quantity of shares ... I consider 10 times my holdings to be the starting point for holding a meaningful position.

- despite low volumes the price has been drifting upwards and has more than doubled since the announcement

- shares in UBS are trailing LOOK


If I was a strategist for the big 3 I would not want someone with deeper pockets in control of this spectrum. Even if I didn't need that spectrum I would put in a stink bid to push the price up and potentially steal more spectrum from the other guys.

I personally think 500 mil to be a major bargain for this spectrum given last years auction .... money is available for worthwhile investements and this is worthwhile.

Dolgonos and McGooey would be a lot better off with their share of LOOK held directly and UBS for 500 mil or more. Any posturing for a job will not put them in the CEO or presidents position (if they were crazy enough to actually want those jobs) and any job lower in the food chain means they will become bureauocrats, which for those with an entreperneurial spirit (which I believe they have) is a fate worse than death.

I think we will get an offer between 1&2 billion as a minimum.

I would challenge anyone to get a semi-meaningful position ... minimum 1-2 mil shares ... IMO to get 2 mil shares would cost between 750,000 - 3,000,000. To peck away at 1 mil shares ... it will cost 600,000 - 850,000. Not chump change to most retail investors and certainly not enough shares for an institutional investor.

There is risk with this investment ... it may not be a happy ending ... there are possibilities of fraud, there are possibilities of lack of demand, no financing ... blah blah blah ... we all know that there are no guarantees and none of us should invested more than we can lose in this company .. I haven't and I won't (I have invested enough to feel some pain ... if we go to zero... but I do like my chances.)

Those interested in meaningful discussion that doesnt advance the career of paid bashers remain welcome to express opinions good or bad ... and please set me straight if I have made any factual errors. If you have differences of opinion ... I'm happy to discuss them as long as we are doing it respectfully and I'm not being put on trial like I see some folks attempting to do to others on that other board.

In any case good luck to all investors and may the day of paid pumpers and bashers be a day filled with the grief you cause others.


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