Nice post on the other board Bob regarding LTE and Wimax -- but, seriously, it's almost 11:00 EST --- how's the whiskey supply? LOL Yep, we're in the sweet spot (or should be anyhow) -- we just got ooodles and ooodles of the "conduit" for this stuff. It doesn't matter to us what runs on it.
Darn it -- I'm on cheap red wine tonite......... it's all good though :)
Johnny, take a friggin' break from that bus, and have a cold one man -- it does a liver good.
I wonder what that CRF1 guy has on tap tonite? Still 50, or maybe perhaps High Life, or heaven forbid --- Lucky, LOL. One of these days though, one of these days -- Guinness, Heineken, Stella, and oh yeah, Steamwhistle for everyone !!!!!!
Are we there yet? Bob, can you ask Checkie ......... how much loooooonger?