How's the Pilsener?............I just figured that you where somewhere in Sask. or Alberta now -- I think I recall you saying that this was your poison of choice when in those parts :) Still a little wintery there though, eh? Georgeous in central Canuckland......... not to rub it in, LOL. On the bright side, the weather "suits" what your sellin', no pun intended, he he. My business has been slow --- sure could use a payout here soon! (I want a Government bailout too, waaahh) I can stand the UBS share price to stay low for a wee bit longer -- those duds I was tellin' ya about seem to be getting a little spring in their step. I'm hoping to exchange them for 50k - 70k more shares of this puppy shortly. Yeah, that's right Buby -- screw you!
This sure is getting interesting here -- if B, R, and T aren't part of any impending deal, all they can do is sit and watch as their future revenue streams are pulled out from underneath them. They can't even go hostile because of UBS's stranglehold on Look, and Alex's stranglehold on UBS. Ah, poor babies...........what's that competition, innovation, value, world class services, and not to mention customer service/respect -- Bite your tongue! Ship Canadian jobs to the third world, but don't allow foreign investment in Canada --- these f*ckers are twisted. I've said it before, and I'll say it again -- I sincerely hope that they get their just dessert!
Why is the government not relaxing FO restrictions already? Why is it okay that they move at such a snail's pace --- they are compensated handsomely for their work load and gold plated pensions to boot. And people get pissed at the girl busting her ass at Tim Horton's for minimum wage if they don't get their coffee fast enough. Man, things are messed in this world. It's too bad more citizens in this country don't realize how we're being played by the "Big 3", and the Government is allowing it to continue, albeit slowly (this is an insult to a snail) but surely the tide is turning.
Ah, enough for now -- my blood pressure is rising, lol. Nice weekend ahead.....I gotta get some brewskies on ice for later. Have a nice weekend!