CRF good thought .... It may be time to organize ourselves in order to get what we rightfully deserve. I can accept the deal if an only if all of the other bids are made available for assessment.
It is too bad if it is second guessed and we may need a court injunction bloacking the takeover based upon non performance of fiduciary responsibilities.
Let's take a straw poll to determine who else and the number of shares who wish to fight if need be.
If the numbers are small ... I won't bother trying to organize a group ... if the numbers are meaningful I'm ready for a fight.
Please indicate if you are interested here and if you fit into one of the following categories.
combined holdings of LOK, LOK.A, UBS
a) under 100,000 shares
b) 100,000 - 300,000
c) 300,000 - 750,000
d) over 750,000
I am in category d