a Zinc exploration company

Message: Ubique Minerals: Navigating the Global Zinc Surge

As the global zinc oxide market surges, reaching a projected value of USD 7.14 billion by 2033, Ubique Minerals emerges as a pivotal player poised to capitalize on this growth trajectory. Ubique Minerals, renowned for its pioneering work in resource exploration, stands at the forefront of this industry boom, aligning seamlessly with the optimistic forecast for zinc oxide.

Industry Outlook and Ubique Minerals's Trajectory

With the global zinc oxide market set to exceed USD 7.14 billion by 2033, Ubique Minerals strategic trajectory positions it as a key beneficiary of this upward trend. Leveraging its expertise in resource exploration, Ubique is strategically positioned to unlock the potential of zinc oxide deposits, capitalizing on the increasing demand across various end-user industries.

Voices of Authority

Xiulei “David” Ji, Lead Researcher at Oregon State University, underscores the significance of Ubique's endeavors, stating, "Ubique Minerals's commitment to unlocking undervalued assets, particularly in the zinc oxide sector, reflects a strategic approach aligned with the growing demand for zinc oxide across diverse industries."

Ubique Minerals's FLASH Highlights

Ubique Minerals's achievements, showcased through its FLASH milestones, underscore its leadership in the zinc oxide market. Ubique Minerals is concentrated on exploration projects in Daniel's Harbour, Newfoundland, Canada, and Namibia, Africa, showcasing its commitment to identifying and developing zinc deposits in geologically promising regions. 

The company owns 8 Mineral Licenses in the Daniel's Harbour area, emphasizing zinc mining. These licenses cover an area with a historical production of approximately 7,000,000 tonnes averaging 7.8% zinc, highlighting the company's access to significant mineral resources.

Through comprehensive geochemical surveys, Ubique Minerals has successfully identified high zinc anomalies in the enlarged property area of the Daniel's Harbour zinc project. This indicates the presence of zinc deposits and underscores the company's exploration success.

The geochemical surveys conducted by Ubique Minerals revealed soil zinc values reaching almost 10,000 parts per million or 1% zinc. These high zinc values signify the potential for significant zinc mineralization within the project area, highlighting the economic viability of future mining operations.

Notably, the company's strategic positioning and comprehensive approach to exploration set it apart as a torchbearer for sustainable resource development.

Real-world Relevance

Ubique Minerals's contributions extend beyond exploration, translating into tangible impacts for various industries. As the demand for zinc oxide grows, Ubique's initiatives offer cost-effective and environmentally friendly solutions, addressing the needs of sectors such as automotive, construction, and cosmetics. The company's commitment to sustainable resource practices resonates with investors seeking socially responsible investment opportunities.

Looking Ahead with Ubique Minerals

As Ubique Minerals looks to the future, its forward-looking goals align seamlessly with the optimistic industry forecast. By capitalizing on emerging opportunities in the zinc oxide market, Ubique aims to solidify its position as a leading player in resource exploration. 


In conclusion, Ubique Minerals's proactive approach to resource exploration positions it as a compelling participant in the global zinc oxide surge. As the company continues to unlock new opportunities and drive innovation in the industry, investors are invited to explore Ubique Minerals, a visionary force shaping the future of resource exploration. With a strategic focus on sustainability and value creation, Ubique embodies the essence of growth and prosperity in the dynamic zinc oxide market.



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