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Message: Ubique Minerals Advances Strategic Acquisition of Stanhove Tailings Project: A New Chapter in Sustainable Gold Recovery

Ubique Minerals Advances Strategic Acquisition of Stanhove Tailings Project: A New Chapter in Sustainable Gold Recovery

posted on Sep 06, 2024 08:33AM

In a significant move that underscores its commitment to growth and innovation, Ubique Minerals Limited (CSE:UBQ) (FRA:2UM), has announced an update on its Stanhove Tailings Project acquisition, a venture with substantial potential to reshape the gold recovery landscape. As the company continues to broaden its footprint in the mining sector, this development is poised to captivate the attention of investors and industry observers alike, with far-reaching implications for the market.

Background and Context

Ubique Minerals Limited, a rising player in the exploration sector, has built a reputation for its strategic initiatives and resourceful exploration activities. The company, publicly listed since 2018, primarily focuses on its Daniel's Harbour zinc property in Newfoundland, while also pursuing opportunities across Africa, particularly in Namibia. With an experienced management team that has a proven track record of discovering deposits worldwide, Ubique is no stranger to ambitious projects.

The Stanhove Tailings Project, a gold recovery initiative, marks another critical chapter in the company’s growth trajectory. The project, first announced in June 2024, involves the acquisition of gold tailings, a byproduct of mining operations that contains residual gold. Traditionally, these tailings have been considered waste; however, advances in technology have made it increasingly feasible to extract valuable minerals from them, creating new revenue streams and contributing to more sustainable mining practices.

Key Highlights and Advantages

Ubique's recent update on the Stanhove Tailings Project centers around the ongoing testing of samples sent to Canada. This testing is pivotal for two reasons:

  • Enhanced Recovery Rates: The primary goal of these tests is to determine whether the recovery rates of gold from the tailings can be improved. If successful, this could significantly boost the project’s profitability and appeal.
  • Feasibility of Modular Mobile Plant: In parallel, the feasibility of designing a modular mobile plant is being evaluated. This plant would utilize proprietary technology from a leading industry company, representing a cutting-edge approach to gold recovery. A mobile, modular setup could offer flexibility and scalability, allowing the company to adapt quickly to changing market conditions and project needs.

The results of these tests, expected within the next 4-6 weeks, will play a crucial role in determining the final decision to proceed with the project. This outcome will also influence the timeline adjustments for the project, as all parties have agreed to draft the Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA) contingent upon the test results.

Potential Impact and Significance

The Stanhove Tailings Project represents a substantial opportunity for Ubique Minerals. By capitalizing on advanced recovery technologies, the company stands to unlock significant value from what has traditionally been viewed as mining waste. This approach not only enhances potential profitability but also aligns with growing industry trends towards sustainability and resource efficiency.

For the broader market, the successful implementation of this project could set a precedent for other mining companies to follow suit, potentially leading to a shift in how tailings are perceived and managed. As environmental regulations become more stringent and the demand for gold remains robust, the ability to recover gold from tailings could become a competitive advantage.

Expert Opinions and Analysis

Vilhjalmur Thor Vilhjalmsson, CEO and Chairman of Ubique Minerals, expressed his optimism about the project's potential, stating, "We are pleased to see the progress made with the Stanhove Tailings project. The initial results are encouraging, and we believe this acquisition will strengthen our efforts in the region. We look forward to advancing our exploration activities and are optimistic about the potential this project holds for our growth strategy."

Industry analysts have echoed Vilhjalmsson's sentiments, noting that the use of proprietary technology in modular mobile plants could be a game-changer for the industry. "This project could redefine the economics of gold recovery from tailings, making it a viable and attractive option for many mining companies," said one expert.

Challenges and Considerations

While the potential benefits of the Stanhove Tailings Project are substantial, it is not without its challenges. The project’s success hinges on the outcomes of the ongoing tests. Should the recovery rates or the feasibility of the mobile plant fall short of expectations, Ubique may need to reassess its strategy.

Additionally, the project’s reliance on proprietary technology introduces a layer of risk, as any technical or operational issues with the technology could impact the project's viability. However, Ubique’s proactive approach to testing and evaluating these factors early in the process suggests that the company is taking the necessary steps to mitigate these risks.


Ubique Minerals Limited's progress with the Stanhove Tailings Project is a promising development that could have significant implications for both the company and the broader mining industry. By leveraging advanced technologies and adopting a forward-thinking approach to resource recovery, Ubique is positioning itself at the forefront of sustainable mining practices.

As the company awaits the results of the crucial tests in the coming weeks, investors and industry stakeholders will be watching closely. Should the project meet its expectations, Ubique could find itself not only increasing its market value but also setting new standards in the industry.

For now, the future looks bright for Ubique Minerals, as it continues to pursue its ambitious goals and expand its influence in the global mining sector.

View original press release here:


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