Copper-zinc exploration in the Flin Flon-Snow Lake VMS Belt

Recent Results Include 6.69% Copper Over 71.69 Metres and 3.74% Copper Over 21.77 Metres

Message: Can someone post the house position...

Can someone post the house position...

posted on Apr 16, 2008 08:16AM

since the 10th of March...

who sold? have you noticed if Canaccord sold a lot in this dumping period?

I am asking that because they are buying nicely in the past few days... I was wondering if they were covering shorts or accumulating?

Nice forum BTW... Stockhouse is useless!

I bought 15K yesterday and today at 0,56$... I can't believe this will go that much lower... just in anticipation of the results we might go back up... I just hope that this time we do have great results and that we jump nicely... but I am not waiting anymore for a nice jump... just back to 0,80$ would be fine with me!

It's the 4th time I am in and out of VMS... I hope this time it's the good one!

Good luck... I would expect a NR next week instead of Friday... like someone mentionned... they have to write the NR with the results and get it appoved.... not sure I would want to be left without shares on Friday evening... maybe Monday... but more likely on Tuesday!

Anyway, I am never good with my guess! So good luck

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