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The Company's Eagle Gold Project in Yukon Canada hosts a National Instrument 43-101 compliant Reserve of 2.3 million ounces of gold.

Message: VIT's Stock Will Accelerate to the Upside

VIT's Stock Will Accelerate to the Upside

posted on Jan 08, 2008 08:36AM
With no drilling news expected from Victoria Resources until February, and most likely not until April or May, many investors, IMO, expect this stock to continue to drift backwards until news arrives. IMO, this stock is going to surprise most investors IMO - instead of dying a slow death until the next drilling report you’re going to see this stock break through the 1.60 level - the tailwind behind us is the rising price of gold and the inevitable surge of new speculative money into the juniors. Where better to invest in a company like Victoria with one of the largest land packages in the Hot Nevada area, its cadre of geologists who have a proven track records of finding gold, stellar drilling results at Cove McCoy with hole 5 confirming the great drilling results in Jan 2007, an aggressive marketing plan, that we have never had, that will result in exposing the investment community to a company that in the past wasn't on the majority of gold bugs radar screen, a new web site that gives you everything you need to complete your own due diligence (prior to Jan 2007, the VIT’s web site hadn't been updated for two years), and the fact that market sentiment for junior gold companies is presently at levels that are usually associated with bear market bottoms – not tops.
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