hey solo,
i know you love Mill like i do but your RE: post to my Cortez Hills post opined that we should put it on the back burner and maybe not do anything for a while. Since then you sound more amped and ready to get over there, haha....
As for another comment you made, "If I'm right in my belief that Newmont has to hand over the Mill Canyon property by June of 2009,"
I wish Newmont had to back in or hand it to us by June 2009 but that is NOT the case.
If we receive or had sole possession of Mill, Barrick would be hot on top of us so fast it would make heads spin.....wooooweeeeee. No matter, we have our piece in it, won't lose it and we know the HUGE amounts planned to and already spent by Barrick next door. Great sign.
Can't wait for the "VIT game plan" news release coming out soon...i wanna know what where and how we are going at some of this stuff. i hope for one that we are extending 12, 9 and 6a in addition to hitting 14 and 15.