I think the key here may be in the last paragraph re market cap and fear of further dilution. We are currently around 200M and will need to spend another 200M to get Eagle in production. As a comparable CRK has a market cap of 370M and is pouring gold and will produce 120,000oz this year. Yes we have Cove, but that will need money to develop too, unless Newmont takes their back in. From the streets standpoint if there is one major hiccup at either project we will be over valued. That's why I think we need to find a proven producer to come to the table and JV Cove or Eagle with us. Historically Newmont has passed on back ins in favour of a royalty, but most of that history was written at gold below $800/0z so who knows. If Newmont takes the back in at Cove they would have to front virtually all of the Capital cost and we would have positive cash flow to pour into Eagle without dilution
What we have that no one has is Chad and Rauol who have proven an incredible combo of finding mineable reserves and getting the word to the street. The street knows that great exploration companies do not always make great producers. I think we have the potential to be both, but in the intial stages lets JV with someone freeing VIT to do what it does so well.