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The Company's Eagle Gold Project in Yukon Canada hosts a National Instrument 43-101 compliant Reserve of 2.3 million ounces of gold.

Message: Raul Madrid News

While I am happy that the lead geo in Nevada is someone who wrote his PHD thesis on Cove, I too am concerned about Raul Madrid's change of role. Pure speculation here but I think that managment maybe be over attracted to Sante Fe which is capable of producing spectacular DRILL results, while Geo Madrid may share the opinion of countless people before him that Sante Fe is far too complex a system to be a profitable mine even at 1200+ gold prices. Personally I think that the Yukon ( eagle) property will determine our future. Cove has some potential as a minor mine, ( but one that does not not in and of itself justify a pre develoment market cap of 150M+...look at WDO or CRK for simlar small mines in production already), Sante Fe is sexy but ultimatly unobtainable. Our other Nevada plays are minor. Eagle will make us rich or keep us hunting for 200M Market cap.

Meantime we need to keep the SP sustainable above 50-60 cents or Kinross and the other big players may bail which will severly depress SP-Note that if SP were tied to gold as much as management and some on this forum would have us beleive we would not have dropped about 40% in a time frame that gold has risen about 20%. Ultimatly I am still a believer but wish that we did not concentrate so much on Sante Fe. Our drill results there are good but hardly new.

Sante Fe is smoke and mirrors,,, Eagle is where we may soar.


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