VTSI Virtra Systems 101
posted on
Apr 06, 2009 01:53PM
Edit this title from the Fast Facts Section
From www.virtra.com the intro:
"Since 1993, VirTra Systems has steadily led the simulation and virtual marketplace by creating small arms training simulators that replicate real-world scenarios so precise that trainees consistently make decisions with exceptional accuracy when faced with actual life-and-death situations. With best-in-class customer service and unparalleled technology like 360 degree high-definition training simulation and the Threat-fire safe return fire system (both patent pending), it is no surprise that the finest military and law enforcement agencies in the US and throughout the world have hand selected VirTra’s simulators after trying out all other options. While virtual realism continues to be VirTra's hallmark, it is our personal realism that let's us continue to raise the bar."
Virtra has come back again from sub-penny to the current .025. This recent news, along with major debt settlements, contribute for this revival:
"March 11, 2009
VirTra Systems, Inc. Bob Ferris, VirTra Systems' CEO and president (OTC:VTSI.PK), today announced that VirTra has partnered with Threat Dynamics to open the first advanced firearm use-of-force training facility for law enforcement personnel.
While Hillsboro, Oregon is the home of the first Threat Dynamics regional training facility, if successful, more than 11 facilities will be built across the U.S. in the years to come. Threat Dynamics insisted on using the best training tools in the world for each facility, which is why after doing their due diligence, VirTra was exclusively chosen to provide their immersive firearms training systems for each facility...."
More later, especially if there seems to be some interest, here.