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Message: Re: cleantech award...
Aug 21, 2009 07:58AM
Aug 27, 2009 03:57AM
Aug 31, 2009 04:26PM

Sep 08, 2009 03:36AM
Sep 08, 2009 03:49AM
Oct 24, 2009 04:38AM

thanks for keepin us current strungalong,,,my love affair with agoracom has died, only check in once in a while, now dating www.tradingchief.com , $20 per month and tons of bells and whistles,,, charts, streaming chief news wire, chat where hundreds of members offer their DD on stuff they're tuned to and post their buys and sells in RT with posts of current charts explaining why, etc, plus much more,,,non-members can only access the agora-type boards and cant see the good stuff,,,

To answer your question,,,I play a Lado accoustic and Les Paul studio electric,,,mostly Neil Young campfire and electric jams,,,

dont own WPT at the moment,,,still playing APH,,,out of NOT and waiting for next buy opp,,,

SRS on Amex arca, watch this one, its an ETF shorting US commercial real estate,,,was over $200 last fall, now $10 ish, and could be a 10 bagger starting to run big end of Jan 2010, when commercial loan cycles are all being renewed, 5 yr was 2005 purchase and 4 yr was 2006 purchase,,,comm real estate gonna take a big hit, and this will/could be a biggy,,,PUT SRS ON YOUR WATCH LIST FOR FEB 10,,,

good luck , Shakey

Nov 05, 2009 04:35PM
Nov 08, 2009 05:15PM

Nov 16, 2009 07:49PM

Nov 16, 2009 10:48PM

Nov 17, 2009 04:09PM

Nov 19, 2009 08:07PM
Apr 02, 2010 02:42PM
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