I think that you are right on that account, the Poundmaker has potential, but I like the Jeep, as I see it.
The new maps put out on the website clearly show the start of a new 'elephant'.
What the grades and depth might be, we can only hope right now that they are similar to the hinge#4, hey we could even start calling this one hinge X as it seems to me to be the jeep is in line with those discoveries.
And as Traps likes to say, "The fluid doesn't know what a stop sign is" and may have flowed all the way over here.
I think the Jeep should be a priority for this company as far as exploration on the belt goes. Let Marum do some more drilling on the Pound, and see what develops. if Marum has only spent 85,000 on exploration to date (Sept 08), they are way behind in meeting a 4,000,000 expenditure over 4 years agreement.
But at the same time, money can be spent quickly. I hope that there is going to be some news from Marum to let us know what is happening.
In the mean time, WEL can gets its ducks in order and see what we have too.