I spoke to their tech guy for a while about the missing data.
Stockwatch gets the data from the TSX this is the complete data stream provided by them... There are 4 trading platforms operating parrallel trading platforms to the TSX... this data is not complied into a queing system and there is no data stream as yet that tracks the total volume of trading to a particular stock within all 5 trading platforms.
The market perception though is driven by the trading price from the information off the TSX platform....
These volumes handled in the 4 alternate systems is significant accounting for over 26% of the total trading volume... Thus 26% of the trade information is not being deseminated in the market.
Thus what is the true value of the market?
No need to wait for caos... it has allready arrived.
This is eqivilant to loading pasangers on a new plane on its first test flight.
I think the regulators have said, "lets let these alternate platforms start up and we will see if they crash the market... then we can see where the flaws are"!