The former Wildcat Exploration Ltd HUB On AGORACOM

The company is now known as FUSE Cobalt.

Message: Its not all about Jeep

Its not all about Jeep

posted on Mar 26, 2010 07:04PM

Jeep is under exploration, WEL is defining its drill program as we go along.

We (or atleast I) were probably all hoping for a home run, reality is what it is.

A road is planned to give a forestry company better access to their stands north of Reed Lake, this also gives WEL greater access to Reed Lake which is a huge benefit at no cost.

Folks should not loose site of the plan, we will be back to Jeep following some targeting of the next drill holes in Q3-Q4 2010.

Wollastone(Foster) has drilling planned for Q4 , its a Broken Hill type contender.

Q1 2011 the plan is to be drilling Mike Power, Garner and Reed. Don't loose site of the huge spike that displayed on the Reed Property during its aerial survey.

Wildcat is anything but a one trick pony.

They say that fools rush in where wisemen never go,

When I got my order mostly filled at 7.5 cents this week, I was delighted.

The fool part, perhaps we can hold judgement on that in abeyance for a year.


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