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Engineering, procurement, construction & management of crude oil refineries.

Message: True Colours

True Colours

posted on Oct 27, 2007 12:42PM

Well, we can’t do anything about our stock being halted, but I for one am still very excited that I hold it. I will be buying as much as I can afford when it resumes.

I find it interesting about all the different personalities that come out in this kind of a scenario. I think it brings out our true colours.

There are those of us like me and many other here that are optimists and hope for the best and have a half-full glass. I am fairly new at investing and have found out all kinds of things about myself during my brief experience. I knew I had guts, but have found out that I have more guts than I expected. That if I just invest what I’m willing to lose in a penny stock, I’m okay with it if it is lost (i.e. same attitude as going to Vegas) – spend on the understanding that you may lose it all, and then you can’t whine about it. If I come back with anything from Vegas, that's a bonus in my mind. That I am more patient than I thought I was. I only panicked once during the meltdown and that was only after 6 days of incredible losses ( I have more than 20 stocks). I ended up buying back one of my favourites back higher and told myself never to do that again! Just to hang tight during a market meltdown. There is not even a question in my mind about selling WWF when it opens. I just hope I can get the day off work to watch it when it reopens so that I can figure out the best price to buy more at.

This is the first halt I have experienced. I was thankful at first because it happened during the meltdown. Now I just have the attitude that it is just a stock that is showing in the red in my portfolio that I hold for the long term. It shocked me at first when it showed up in my portfolio at the bank website as 100% loss, but I just went on to other things and now that 100% loss hardly matters as I have almost made up for it in profit from other stocks that went up that I had been holding on to or bought in the meantime.

Do the negative posters here (there are not many – but one sure stands out – lets just say he is not very fat and he is not Skinny3) only have one stock? Is that why he whines so much and is so negative?

I love this board except for some negative posters. We are all in this together and want to be reassured and keep our spirits up, not sent into a bad mood. What good does it do to worry about anything we can't do anything about anyway! Nada. The thing is, I’ll bet those negative ones will be just patting themselves on the back and telling everyone what a good call they made when the stock goes to the moon. (unless, of course, they sell it – I hope they do so that I can buy it cheap!)

I think if someone is feeling in a negative mood they should just go to the bar and cry in their half-empty glass of beer – and do their whining with the bartender – bartenders expect that I suppose, although they probably don't like it either.

I also have UNO and their site has this heading:

Welcome to the First Narrows HUB (Information centre for UNO. You don't need to like the company, but you do need to contribute to the discussion in a constructive manner

I think we should add this to the top of our Hub as well.

Good luck - looking forward to November now (usually I hate it because of the weather - but have something to look forward to now).



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