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Engineering, procurement, construction & management of crude oil refineries.

Message: Still no reply to my email

Well have you heard from Nazima? 

I find it strange, when I e-mailed her at :

Tue, 27 Nov 2007 08:12:19 -0800 (PST), and

received a reply:

Tue, 27 Nov 2007 11:44:37 -0800,

and you sent an e-mail and STILL no response? 

Maybe it's your approach?!?

The previous posts about throwing a ton of e-mails at IR isn't the solution (as someone already posted), it will only complicate things.  What I've experienced is that when I have a question, I ask, as others should also.  I too have alot of money tied up, and we want nothing more than for WWF to resume trading again.

I believe that we don't have an official NR, because it would have to be reviewed by TSX/MRS prior to its publication, so WWF isn't giving us anything official, because there is nothing official to report. WWF is dealing with the issue of the CNR, and let them work on it. 

As I mentioned in a post several months ago, I've worked with the Feds here in the States, and there's nothing more frustrating than to  have them come in and review and then come back and give a series of recommendations, leave, comeback, etc. This is how it works here as I'm sure it works in Canada as well.

Let's let MF and his legal team do what they have to do, and allow TSX/MRS do what they have to do.  This board was rocking this morning, emotions were very high, and it seems like everyone has calmed down. 

Discussion is good, exchange of ideas is good, but, truthfully, we are all in the same boat, and all we can do is wait.

It seems like we may have had a couple of new posters here today, and to whom I say... Welcome to the WWF HUB.  We appreciate your input as this is an open forum



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