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Message: Dec 17/2007... Should be trading

Re: Dec 17/2007... Should be trading - Charlie

posted on Nov 30, 2007 09:38AM

Well, I think you are jumping the gun here - the post I responded to wasn't very patient. I can see us being history, but in a positive way, not the way you are thinking. No way am I packing it in. Perhaps you own too many shares and have overextended yourself and are getting too panicked? I only have 75,000 shares and would love more. I'm not even disturbed anymore about when we trade and don't even find it hard to be patient. All I have to do is get the calculator out and start punching out different scenarios, and I start smiling. Keep your chin up - we are getting close. Reminds me of when I was a teenager. I had to go to the bathroom really bad when I was on the bus home from school. After I got off the bus I had two long blocks to go until I got home. Well I concentrated really hard - one step, two steps, "your're almost there". Wouldn't you know it - as soon as I saw my house I started to panic and get excited and you can guess what happened (would have been way easier being a guy and find a bush on the way home!)


Goldfinger... my post is not intended to be negative...

I think you are reading too much into it... I am saying that if we are patient for another 2 weeks approx... Dec 17 should be the deadline IMO... that either we trade or are history.

I would like it to trade by then, however, I can't see it taking 4-5 weeks to come up with an agreed upon CNR, that satisfies both parties.

Things like a CNR just don't take 4-5 weeks to come about, unless there is something VERY VERY SERIOUSLY wrong with either the company or the NR.

I will/am patient for about another 2 weeks approx... however, I think after Dec 17... we can ALL pack it in... IMO... :(

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