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Message: On the verge of Hysterics ...!! (from Genevabird)

On the verge of Hysterics ...!! (from Genevabird)

posted on Dec 09, 2007 10:03AM

Here is another post I received from Genevabird which he asked me to post here.


As I see it,we are so ,so very close to trading ,and what I post is primarily a product of my personal hard DD digging and intuitive deductive analysis of data posted by other well-informed individuals.Needless to say,I have been cushioned from falling into the Abyss od Depression and Negativity by my Mentor and Invincible Leader,The Honourable Ian Taylor.This does not mean that Ian will refrain from divulging bad ominous news if it is warranted and confirmed.But to date and this hour,we are in intense suspense as trading is imminent from Wenesday onwards ,now that foley will be in town the coming week starting from tomorrow onwards.

Again from my perspective,I see several camps of opinion on ag.
1. The positive camp headed by Ian Taylor. 2. The Negative camp always thinking and hoping the stock will be delisted sooner than later. 3. The Conspiracy camp. 4. The Middle ground camp..a hybrid between positivity and negativity. 5.The Argumentative camp..arguing posturing and sprouting seeds of doubt a favourite pastime.6. Diabolical and bombastic Bugs Bunny camp headed by Agent 999.

Amongst all these camps,I have aligned with Ian 100 % and also leaning towards Wabbit Agent 999 for fun and entertainment.999 Bugs is noted for excellent dd on fraud and also so far is remarkably accurate on not trading till before xmas.Bugs 999 dont get too excited and have your front 2 teeth chipped off for your signature charleston dance and song.Option,you wascally wabbitt..long eared galoot.. dont chomp too hard on your carrot on trade resumption day.Do your wabbitt tricks for foley''s goodies carefully as too much excitement may cause questioning and havoc fron mrs and exchange.!!

Yes I reiterate 39 billions barrels of the cleanest oil on the planet is contained in Libya"the crown jewel of Africa and an Untapped oasis"In a nutshell,Libya holds the largest oil reserves in Africa.Foley''s return from this trip,will most likely bag some goodies for investors,having purported to have visited Paris..the headquarters of finance in Continental eUROPE,Dubai...The Financial and Business hub of the Arab world where oil money flows like rivers...and lastly Libya,where foley has been working very hard for 2 or more years.I speculate he works hand in hand with Baby Gawfi or Gaddafi.

Lint,the adorable talented cartoon and graphics entertainer,please get ready for trading day with your gimmics and graphics..very delightful and choking with oodles of gushy fun.And Gumby I love your 12 days of xmas song fow foley and wwf...make sure it is played and sung again !!

Goldie thanks for your spirit of solidarity . Hornet ,we need you to do your Buzz - a -Wuzz dance and hum on trading day and also give us a little nudging sting... a very welcome balm when eveybody is hopping in euphoria !!

Lastly for those who have a propensity to spoil the broth,I will quote again from what I told my mentor Ian on Dec 7th 07."Slushy mentioned that Foley is a force to reckon with,the same goes for our leader Ian.Look ,because of your farsighted vision and efforts the ag board is humming with informative and thought-provoking activities,though ocassionally personalities clash,tempers flare and the place can be a mayhem with onslaught of flying darts.However, at the end of the day,the true spirit of human comraderie prevails and with a generous exchange of olive branches ,wounds and bruised egos are instantly healed and we start again with renewed passion and vigor."

Disclaimer:nobody is privy to the exact day of trading which is based on speculation.If significant news are lacking during the coming week,do not degenerate into chaos,name calling and lynching.Possibility of news blackout so dont start a mass riot and investor insurrection if that is remotely the case.

With Gumby''s 12 day of xmas in my heart I wish everybody a xmas of good cheer ,joy and happiness !!

end of message

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