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Engineering, procurement, construction & management of crude oil refineries.

Message: fifteenduth

For what it's worth 15, I completely agree with you. You took a valid stand. A couple weeks ago everyone chanted the mantra, no more BS, rumors, or "my source said this" with out valid backup. This was all done to control emotion and to remove a false hope that would build, only fall apart as certain days passed by.

As a TEAM we are trying to establish fact; I have my own source and I would never expose who it was. For that reason I've chosen not to make comment, regarding the company lately. I don't blame Charlie however for providing some hope. When a source does volunteer information, whether it's correct or not, a person can get very excited, and again as apart of the same TEAM wants to share that information. It's very contagious.

It's up to the team to control it's own emotion, we can't hang off every word, or tid-bit of info. We can't sit a wait for a specific day. If do the frustration will only rise. The stock will trade in due time, either a couple of months from now or a couple of days. I'm as frustrated as everyone, I'm writing complaints, and hoping for the best. Cheers to all, and hope all have a fantastic holiday season.

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