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Message: Just for you pokey

Thanks Chips.  I guess our systems are different.  I use Stockstream at Stockhouse.  I can't right click on anything in it.  I tried saving it to MS paint by doing a Printscreen and coping it from there but the "paste" button when I right click is is greyed out.  Oh well, I'll leave to others to post the level 2 for other people.  It sure is handy. 

I just managed to pick up 12,500 more at $0.14.  Didn't need anymore but had some extra money sitting there burning a hole in my pocket and couldn't resist the price!

Thanks again


P.S. - to post a picture I think you have to click on the thing that looks like a tree button in the top row where the formatting buttons are.  I read somewhere else that you can save something to Photobucket and use that URL.  I haven't tried it myself - maybe someone else can give us the answer on exactly how to do it - the Lint would probably know. 



Sorry, posted without finishing:

Just saw your post goldie.

As I normally do. I highlight the Level II area and while still having the cursor within highlight I click the right mouse button and copy. Then I open up the " area here" and again used the right button to paste. But, and it's a BIG BUT, BEFORE YOU PASTE YOU MUST FIRST CLICK WITH YOUR CURSOR WHERE YOU WANT TO PASTE.

I don't mean to sound like I'm lecturing, and you probably have been doing the above.

Please let me know

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