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Message: LEVEL II AT 3:56 - BACK TO .145

I guess it probably would be worthwhile phoning them to see if they can do better as I do have a fair amount of money with them because of the RRSP.  I deal with Scotia McLeod.  I will have to find out if they have the Level 2 as I pay about $70 a month on Stockhouse for the TSX and TSX.V so it would be worthwhile to pay the bank a yearly fee if I could get lower commissions plus the level 2 thrown it.  Although I'm not a "trader" I have had lots of trades this year as I have about 20 stocks.  I just got started this year though so that is why I have been so active (buying mostly).  I don't think I will be as active now as I am all maxed out in the RRSP but I guess in January I can add some more (after my WWF.H goes up a whallop and I have some extra to add to it!).  Would be nice though not to have to think twice whether a stock it is worth getting in and out of because of the commission. 

Thanks everybody for your feedback. 

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