mistrust of our management by some of the whiners here shows a total lack of comprehension of what is goin
take a look at the big picture. wwf has been railroaded in a fashion never before seen. the frustration of mike foley must be totally compounded with shareholders sniverlling remarks. he and others work tirelessly for ungrateful and short sighted flippers
i have asked for assistance in citing other tsx rulings or inactions., yet rather than helping we sit and do nothing. i have recieved 3 offers from our entire membership....... what a show of commitment
ian has pointed out the facts and assumptions from those facts. areyou guys brain dead???
think before making a remark like..... we should get a life
not fair. not even close to the truth. our lives are full..we choose to help the situation and provide shareholder awareness. i for one resent that comment///an apologyi s in order methinks