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Message: My take on the current situation...

My take on the current situation...

posted on Jan 14, 2008 06:35PM

News is (K)news is NEWS!!!

 When it comes to describing news, I immediately think of good or bad, but have you thought about the quality or quantity factors about news?

To quote a famous individual “sometimes, no news is good news...sometimes good news is no news...sometimes there is no good news...sometimes no news is good.” (pokecheck, of WWF, circa January 2008)
Pokecheck is correct in his analysis of how we interpret news.  Or is he? Isn’t news really something we don’t know?  That’s why they call it news isn’t it?  Or is it that news is something we thought we knew or wanted to know, but then would it really be news? would it?  I wish I knew the new news?!? After all we know the old news, but is there new news?
The following is my attempt at a George Carlin type shtick ….

 We know that there are people in the know, but what is it that they know?  It is said that you have to get to know those that are in the know!! They are somebody you should definitely know, because they are after all in the know.

 Let’s not forget those that are well known.  They became famous for something they said or did, for this they became known. You tend to remember the known, but how do you forget the known? I simply forgot.

 There is also the all knowing, that comes across as knowing all. My question is how did he become all knowing?  Did they go to school to know all? Where is this place where you go to, to know all?  I guess that’s where the saying “Mr. Know-it-all” comes from. This type of person is a sage type, “all knowing” wise person, or smart a@@.

 Then there is the person who knows the ropes, but if they know the ropes, is that all that they know? There is more to life than just ropes, isn’t there? Makes you wonder how much they really know!!

 There is also the know-how.  You have to have the know-how to complete this job.  I’m sorry, know-how? know-how to do what?  Oh, I know how to do it, but does it mean that I have the know-how?
 And there’s everyone’s favorite, the know-nothing, I guess they know nothing about nothing, which means that they know something right?

 But I deviate, we were talking about news, and not those that know or knew, or what to know, who claim to know….  Let’s be patient and wait for the news.  After all they say good things come to those who wait!!! 


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