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Engineering, procurement, construction & management of crude oil refineries.

Message: Question for AG and forum.
You know what. This is the same scenario as DB. Ignore it. I think you are getting paranoid about everything. Who cares what the NR says. We know its legit and so do plenty of others. Stock price went up. It will go up again on Monday. And when the next NR or info comes out it will go up again. Tney can say they were drilling for oil and stuck diamonds in error. So what. If the info we are going on is legit the stock will go where we think it will. It doesnt matter what Columnists, bashers pumpers whatever, say. Anybody who buys or sells on sensationalism deserves to lose their shirts. So far everything that has been said by the people that matter has been correct. Just relax and maybe gumby will send you a cold pop. If he does put your feet up and enjoy the rush. I read the NR and didnt see anything to get uptight about. All I worry about is the stock price. The NR sounds good to me and follows everything else our "messiah" has said. If the price goes up I will sell some. If it holds or drops a little I will buy a bunch. I know if it goes to 5 10 15 20 dollars or whatever, I will still have enough stock to sell at those levels too. R E L A X ...
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