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Message: frustration quotient

frustration quotient

posted on Apr 29, 2008 02:15PM

I have finally been released and leave hospital with both life and limb. Thanks for all the concern showed , it really was appreciated.

We have all hung in here and faced many disappointments thus far with the poor market evaluation of the worth of the stock.Many factors have contributed to this, but basically it falls under the 'shit happens' category of life in the pennies. Almost daily I face an unhappy shareholder on the phone. I have been called a liar and thief due to the lack of progress on the scoresheet, although unfair and untrue....the frustration quotient is at an all time high. Things have taken longer,.....a lot longer.....our timetable to be millionaires is on hold

All I can say is that it will take longer still and either stay the course...or bail. A return of 13cents is a humiliating defeat. To hold...you risk a few cents, to hold and win...well....a moral and financial windfall

The questioning of Foley's integrity, albeit from frustration is intolerable.

I see a man that has sacrificed [not taken vacations], his personal life to make this, the only megaproject in vse history, work. Done without any help, fairness from regulators, and now....ridicule and heckles from shareholders. Mike Foley is not looking for employment or Peace Corps status with his air miles. HE IS NOT A 'CROOK'

Roy will be meeting on Friday with Mr Foley.

Ian and I {"a few select members' ya the two that do it at their personal expense] will organise a conference call early next week. A list of ?s and concerns will be drawn from you guys and submitted to the pres to respond to.Make sure you speak your mind. We [including myself] need to clear the air.

I will speak of the substance of the meeting. I am not there to argue, defend or promo Foley, I am not an insider nor privy to 'secret' info. Keep it civil...please, and we shall fwd him the results of our discussions


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