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Message: r we dead or still alive?

Well, I'm on the same page as you Dazed - thank you for that post.

I have been reading the posts lately with all the soft bashing and thinking "I'm sure glad I wasn't raised by people like that!". I haven't posted for awhile because it made me angry, and I didn't want to post something when I was in an angry mood. Some people have been on and on and on about the financials not being done on time and how they are going to show MF how annoyed they were - threatening lawsuits, etc., but they have shown no appreciation of the things that were done on behalf of us shareholders that are more important!

MF has said himself that it was inexcusable about the financials not being in on time. What more do some of you people want - a public spanking! Or grinding his head into .. Would that give you satisfaction? Some people are so pathetic. I can just see the finger pointing and shaking when you write .... what a power it gives you to be so judgmental and self-righteous, when all that person has in his defence is to say "I'm sorry" because his lips are sealed. Of course, that wouldn't be enough for some - you want the public humiliation and spanking. I wish you would just sell and take your losses and get out instead of whining and being so judgmental and self-righteous.

Geez, when I have made a mistake and said I was sorry to someone in the past, I'm sure I wouldn't get what some of you people dole out. Like Dazed said, I'm sure MF is doing his best to get everything back in order again. Why would he do something like this on purpose to undermine his efforts! Why would he do so much hard work to get the deals done and have it taken away because of financials. I'm am relatively green in dealing with stocks (I now have a year under my belt) - what is the big deal anyway. So what if we get halted.

I have lived in the Middle East and know how long it takes to get things done on that end. In fact, I remember being really pissed off because I missed out on a free trip first class trip to Paris and Casablanca because the Kuwait Ministry didn't know where my passport was after I had submitted it for another Visa so I couldn't go.

I think to myself that maybe one of the reasons the financials aren't done is that there might be news in there that will let the cat out of the bag, so to speak, and maybe they are trying to find a way around it. Has anyone else thought about that? Surely, we are not waiting with baited breath to find out how much money we have made!

Well, that's my rant. I'm still in long. I haven't been buying more because I have enough to make me rich when it takes off. Very tempting though at these prices.

Regards and very good luck to us all.

P.S. ELP - I think when I speak for all of the longs here that we miss you. I for one love your English and the clever quotes. I would love you to post even though you don't own it now as I'm sure they will be encouraging posts and not negative.

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