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Message: Thought I would see what's going on

Hey Roy Rogers - wonderful to see you back and in fine form.

I too have taken some big paper losses since June. This one is still my "crap shoot" or "stab at the lotto". I have way too many shares at the moment but if it comes back and ends up in fine form then I'll have way too little won't I! It certainly has been an interesting story this one. I'm so thankful that we were halted through most of these big market drops. I'm not expecting to come back where we were, but at least there appears to be things happening behind the scene that we can be happy about - and eventually we can start to go up again. I have my fingers and toes crossed - if not, enchala - one of the most common expressions in the Middle East (so God wills or something like that). Great for using in the term I just used it but not so great when you tell a taxi driver he is going too fast and we might get in an accident!

Have a wonderful Christmas and profitable and great New Year all.


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