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Engineering, procurement, construction & management of crude oil refineries.

Message: And now, the rest of the story...

Well said, Gumby! Well said!

I did one-better than a phone call - I wandered down to WWF-central to meet The Man (and his horse) in person! Oddly enough, I recognized him when he stepped out of the elevator! He asked me how?!? I replied "The LIMP of course! Who else could you be?!"

Roy was not insulted... in fact, he seemed overjoyed to meet me! He spent time making me welcome, walking me through The Plan, and then introduced me to MF himself, where I learned more about The Vision.

Roy and MF are *great men*, and as we approach the end of this frustrating chapter in our lives, we should take some time to appreciate the innumerable unpaid hours of effort that BOTH of these Great Men have invested into this company!

I, for one, will be raising a glass to the both of them tonight. (it isn't a faux pas to toast someone with a Mojito, is it??)

Roy, Michael... thanks! for everything! Here's to a great future!!


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