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Message: Why WWF is the chosen one

Why WWF is the chosen one

posted on Jul 02, 2009 04:46PM

Today i would like to address a question that has never properly been given an answer that would fit.

Why,has WWF been given the blessing of the NOC?

To date there has been no logical reason other than MFs long term association with the African nations hierarchy. It kinda holds water...but there must be more......

Today i have learned that a fellow named Syd Jaycock has remained involved with Mf and WWF over the past years since he fathered the High Level AB ethanol feasability study.He has lobbied as an unpaid ambassador on our behalf in London this whole time.

A refresher on Syd. He is commonly referred to as the father of the Athabasca Tar Sands (Ft. McMurray) heavy oil projects. It was he and his team that developed the technology that frontrun todays vast project. He is considered one of, if not the authority (king of kings?) on heavy oil and waste oil recovery. If a company, or in this case country were in search of a man to head up an enhanced oil recovery and refining system ...he would be a great candidate.

Consider the environmental pressure that the NOC of Libya is now under. Pools of thick goop spot the desert and leach into the continents sacred water supply. This is front and center in European oil discussions. In order for Libya to move ahead this is a topic that surely must be a sore spot.Europeans will hopefully demand a strict and implemented plan to deal with yesterdays sins and tomorrows new waste product that will multiply with the mobilisation of the oil industry within its borders

Now back to Mr Jaycock. He and MF go way back to Mikes Ft Mac days, when he worked on the rigs. Like many of his business associates, there is a deep trust and loyalty that has been forged over time.

My thought is this....If NOC wanted to recruit Syd, the price may be the tagging along of WWF. It makes sense to me. You might say its a win win situation.

At any rate, Syd has been responsible for buidling the largest refinery on the African continent to date and shows well for NOC and WWF.....Im hoping a directorship is in the works

Just my overactive imagination...but maybe not


Jul 02, 2009 04:54PM
Jul 02, 2009 05:06PM
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