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Engineering, procurement, construction & management of crude oil refineries.

Message: MF Update

MF Update

posted on Aug 11, 2009 04:23PM


To meet the CNSX minimum listing requirements Winfield must retire all debt and have $50,000 in general working capital.

Winfield is currently refinancing by way of a $0.05 Units Private Placement.

Winfield must also complete and file its 2008 Audited Financial Statements.

This is for the period January 1, 2008 through to March 31, 2009, as Winfield has changed its Year End from December 31st to March 31st.

Winfield has engaged a new Auditor and anticipates completion of the 2008 Audited Financial Statements in five weeks.

preparatory 2008 Q1 - through Q4 accounts have been prepared by a local CA firm and the Audit Book is at Audit grade preparedness.

The delays in completing the 2007 Audit cost WINFIELD time in refinancing and completing the bankable feasibility report for Ras Lanuf.

WINFIELD was awarded a Licence to build, own and operate a 300,000 barrel per day oil refinery at Ras Lanuf, Libya, in 2008.

Ours was an independent application not a response to a tender. There are at least three other locations for new refineries in Libya.

Our License is non transferable.

Our feed stock arrangement with the NOC is subject to a yearly review for activity on our part.

During the last year WINFIELD negotiated a land allotment at Ras Lanuf.

The next matter to resolve is project finance confirmation. WINFIELD is currently in negotiations with two financing groups who have each expressed an interest in providing 100% project finance.

News Release's were anticipated but cannot be issued without backup documentation in hand. I.E. their are many positive things said in
conversation but are still awaiting hardcopy followup.

On the plus side refinery completion costs have dropped by 25-30% since last year.

You'll note the number of Ft. McMurray megaprojects that have been shelved, for instance.

These postponements have hit the project book of the fabricators who through supply and demand have backed off their premium billing quotes.

Also related to cost savings is that the price of commodities such as steel are down by almost 50% of their earlier highs.


Michael Foley

Aug 11, 2009 04:31PM
Aug 11, 2009 04:48PM
Aug 11, 2009 05:07PM
Aug 11, 2009 05:14PM
Aug 11, 2009 05:29PM
Aug 11, 2009 07:06PM

Aug 11, 2009 08:18PM
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