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Message: Nuisance speculation

Nuisance speculation

posted on Sep 20, 2009 12:55AM

I dunno... I'm getting pretty tired of the speculation and nonsense chatter on this forum. What we have from WWF are some NR's that indicate we need to wait until October to find out what is going to happen. Heresay from people who have phoned MF (*if* they have) and then give us their personal interpretations of those phone calls... junk mail!

The only person whose opinion I trust is Roy, and that is only because I visited WWF's HQ a few months ago and I saw Roy and MF in the same room together, and talked to them both in person. Roy doesn't have "inside information", but I certainly trust whatever information HE has more than a random and unconfirmed (in fact, disputed) phone call. From what I understand, Roy is similarly frustrated with the circumstances, but he still believes in The Man himself!

so... we wait. that's all we can do. ...and we trust MF will pull this rabbit out of this hat... **that** was the deal we made when we bought-in to this company, so that's the deal we live with. Period! We bought-in on trust and hope, and we will win or lose... and even if we lose it will NOT NECESSARILY be due to a betrayal of that trust by MF or anyone else at WWF!! It will just as likely be because the deed could not be done, despite MF's greatest efforts!

It's a penny stock, and it comes with risk. We all agreed to that when we bought-in, so let's just SUSH for the moment and see what happens. If we spent half as much energy giving MF our best wishes and encouragement, rather than slamming him, he might get the additional energy he needs to wade through this treacherous river and get us to the other side!

Just my opinion... as a significant shareholder both myself and on behalf of my ailing father...

If you want to help WWF, then fill this board with messages of encouragement and positive energy! God knows MF has had enough S*** piled on his plate for the past couple of years!


Sep 20, 2009 04:38PM
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