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Engineering, procurement, construction & management of crude oil refineries.

Message: Re: Still Perplexed
Apr 07, 2010 08:13AM

You raised some excellent questions, none of which can readily be answered by those of us on this board. I suspect that, unless MF had very carefully worded private placement memoranda, he could be in some serious legal trouble in WWF does not trade. Soon.

As to the comments that were made by someone who was concerned about his 5000 shares being wallpaper, I offer the following. My investment group has well in excess of 300,000 pieces of wallpaper. There were certain representations made by MF when the purchases were made. Hey - the guy is a very good salesman !

There are two things we know for sure. 1. MF and his team do not know the meaning of compliance. 2. We all want this to succeed.

However, what we don't know might fill a book. And that is the cause for the angst on this board. There are TSX rules on what MF can say or not say. But for him to put out the same releases with changed dates, really does not bode well for what is left of his credibility. I suspect that if anything that he is saying can actually be proven and accepted by the BCSC, then the pp can be done and we'l lall be fine.

Personally, if I was to subscribe to a PP (which I won't), I would have MF and the Board put up personal guarantees that the stock will be listed by a date certain and remain in compliance.

Frustrated... yes. Angry -- yes but at myself for putting so much money into WWF.

I think it would be really interesting if no one, other than the hub leaders, posted anything for at least a week. Let the frustration ease.

Whattamaroon am I

Apr 07, 2010 08:54PM
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