Boe all good points. However I doubt Foley cares about whether shareholders have a ton of shares or just a few. Besides somehow I think Roy has had enough of the BS so I doubt he can help. The other hub leaders...well most seemed to have jumped ship or just spew silly fluff.
The other point that you mentioned the PP, in case you mised it, Foley told me he did not collect one dime of all the money pledged so there is no pp to close. Care to chime in on that one "Smile" Afterall you told us you bought the "very last" of the pp. Well apparently you did not. And apparently many others on here who claim to have bought in did not. Anyone care to comment??
Finally WWF trading is neither here nor there in the overall scheme of things. Just to trade without tangible financial backing just means a quick exit. No 4 billion no WWF.