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Message: Xcite Energy - Over Xcited?

Interesting strategy to be sure.

I have completely derisked so there is no risk to me, if the shares fall, then they fall, and I will take a modest profit. If the flow test is good, then I will make money hand over fist and christmas will be awesome for the next 20 years. (that much)

The company released a notice today saying that the weather has been bad and they are unable to start the flow test.

Patience in now the word, but some have headed to the exit, and the SP has been hit again. Someone got their stink bid filled at the 4.18 mark, good for them, and in hindsight, maybe i should have put in a stink bid as well.

I am tempted to buy more and take the profit back to 5.00, i may start buying at 4.25 if we get there.


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